"Insight" program
Purpose of the project
The main goal of the program is to foster greater youth involvement in the Armenian Apostolic Church by offering spiritual knowledge and its practical application. It aims to expand the NLI by welcoming new participants and engaging them in various training programs that provide students and graduates with a supportive environment for service.
The progress of the project
A weekly meeting will be organized and held with a clergyman, either a deacon or priest, who will guide the young people throughout the session. The program will run for 12 weeks. An announcement about the course will be distributed, and approximately 20 participants will be recruited. Each meeting will last 2 to 3 hours and include refreshments. At the start of each session, the clergyman will present a topic to the entire group, followed by a division into smaller groups (2-3 groups, depending on the number of participants). In these groups, leaders will facilitate discussions on the day's material. Additionally, a two-day field seminar is planned during the program.
Project target groups/beneficiaries
Young people aged 18-35 can participate in the program.
Key topics of the project
Topic 1: Christianity
1) What is Christianity and how did it emerge?
2) Is Christianity still relevant today?
3) The formation of the Armenian Apostolic Church.
Topic 2: Fears and Worries
1) How do trials manifest as fears and worries?
2) The impact of fear on our lives.
3) Feelings of loneliness and despair.
4) Strategies for overcoming fear and worry.
Topic 3: Sin
1) What is sin?
2) How does sin harm our soul and body?
3) Ways to overcome sin.
Topic 4: The Influence of Evil
1) What is evil?
2) How does evil influence modern life?
3) Have the tools of evil changed?
Topic 5: War
1) What is war, and what purpose does it serve?
2) Why does God allow wars and the death of people?
3) Understanding spiritual warfare.
Topic 6: Medicine
1) Different types of medicine.
2) How does God heal us?
Topic 7: Love
1) What is love?
2) The role of love and friendship in Christian life.
Topic 8: Premarital Relations
1) Premarital sex.
2) The concept of compromise in relationships.
Topic 9: The Institution of Marriage in Christianity
1) Man and woman as one flesh.
2) Adultery in Christian teaching.
3) Living a Christian life together in marriage.
Topic 10: Divorce
1) The reasons for divorce and its spiritual implications.
2) The concept of legal divorce.
3) How to prevent divorce in a marriage.
Topic 11: Forgiveness
1) What is forgiveness?
2) Should we forgive our enemies?
3) How to forgive others.
Topic 12: The Meaning of Life
1) Why are we born?
2) How to find our purpose or mission in life.
3) The role of grace in life.